Hi. I'm Stephen Greig
This website hosts various projects that have interested me.
I have made a Spanish wordle which links links to Wicktionary so you can see the translation of the words you enter. To start a new game just refresh the page.
An important and largely ignored deficiency in Darwin's conception of Natural Selection presented in the Origin of Species makes it a difficult text for the modern reader. A brief but in some respects more satisfactory account was published 28 years earlier by Patrick Matthew. This prompted me to write a short play called The Lost Book and an essay called Down With Darwin.
I have made a Firefox add-on to help my attempts to learn Spanish using BBC Mundo's website. Although I would not recommend adding browser extensions, or add-ons as Firefox calls them, from unknown authors for security reasons, my add-on allows Spanish words on the https://www.bbc.com/mundo website to be easily looked up for their English translation on Wiktionary. More information the code can be accessed from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/go-to-wiktionary. I enjoy using it even if I am the only one.
I have written an essay on the discovery of the AIDS drug, AZT, which shows how, despite it being patented by the pharmaceutical company Burroughs Wellcome, it was overwelmingly developed in the public sector. In reality pharmaceuticals would be inconceivable without the edifice of knowledge generated in the public sector as is true of many other wealth generating technologies including computing.